It's all about rhythm, rhyme, order, nature and human interaction.
cv below
deze 'over & cv' pagina in het Nederlands
In my work, I love to pay attention to the finesse of a rhythm, the order and repetition, with the subtle charge of a glum message. A beautiful packaging, an approachable, manageable image with a serious connotation. That is precisely the intriguing tension.
A substantive context of many of my recent works is the appropriation of the forest by man, who sees nature only as a tool, an attraction. Representing the degradation of nature and our living environment in an aesthetic way, seen from a distance and sometimes zoomed in to cell level. In my work, it is never only nature, but what you see is always adapted, changed, moulded by man. A poetic field of tension between the two. Layering, in paint and also in meaning. The silence of the landscape, the emotion and the narrative framework of a house in nature. Or the peace and boredom of people, sitting, an in-between moment, waiting on a bench, with the rhythm and structure of trees, slats, tiles. Symbolic additions of ladders, tree top adventure parks, trees with harnesses, chained trees, life lines, tree rings, fingerprints. Narrative poetic additions.
A transdisciplinary artist engaged in various digital and analogue practices.
My palette of possibilities reaches beyond paint: digital techniques and interaction can be used in the artworks as fits. I create paintings, interactive installations and a combination of the two. By removing the old boundaries between design and painting, I notice that I am tapping into a visual reservoir that I benefit from in everything I do. The video's about the making ad that extra insight.
As an artist I like to use painting, graphic arts and digital techniques so that I get inspiration from all kinds of visual cultures as well as from the slowness of paint. My visual language is created in those cross-pollinations.
curriculum vitae
- shows
- installation at DE RUIT Rotterdam, Januari / March
- Pictura 250 years, outside route, 12-13 October, Dordrecht
- Quest Art Space, 28 Sept. - 16 Nov, Whangarei, New Zealand
- Pictura salon 28 Sept.- 3 Nov. Dordrecht
- Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend, 21 & 22 September
- screening of short film in film theatre de Witt Dordrecht, 28 May
- South Explorer Rotterdam, 20 & 21 April
- Ruimte Remmelink Gallery Delft, about A woman - Holy Moly, 2-30 March
- Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend 16 & 17 September
- studio end presentation crowdfund project, 17 September
- South Explorer Rotterdam, 22 & 23 April
- gallery Nieuw Charlois Rotterdam, 22 & 23 April
- in the spotlight Rotterdam' talent, kunstuitleen Rotterdam, 23 March - 5 April
- about A woman - IN YOUR FACE, 701, Rotterdam Art Week, 9 - 12 February
- wintersalon Arti & Amicitiae Amsterdam, 19 December / 8 January 2023
- SOLO 'pitch black' upscale gallery Rotterdam, 27 November - 25 December
- salon 'emptyness' Pictura Dordrecht, 5 November - 18 December
- Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend GRAW 24 & 25 September
- klimaatexpo museum de Fundatie Zwolle, 17 September - 4 December
- groupshow Arti & Amicitiae Amsterdam, 1-31 July
- groupshow tiniminiroom Dordrecht May 22 - March 23
- about A woman - witte wieven, XPO Enschede, 1-29 May
- South Explorer Rotterdam, 9 & 10 April
- member expo Arti & Amicitiae Amsterdam 11 December / 23 January 2022
- water, galerie Drift, Breda, 11 December /15 January 22 (postponed)
- pleased to meet you, een kunstcentrum, 13 November / 12 December
- South Explorer Rotterdam, 13-14 November
- 50-50 lady justice, Playroom, Zaandam, 1-24 October.
- GRAW 25-26 September
- ART FENIX1 during Poetry International & RotterdamArtWeek, 12 June-4July.
- 22rooms/artists The Student Hotel, 3-13 June.
- about A woman - SISSA, Niffo galerie, November 1-29 Rotterdam.
- open studio's Lange Hilleweg, @ Groot Rotterdams Atelier weekend September 26&27.
- Publieke Werken Rotterdam, July 9 – August 30, Rotterdam.
- Laat waaien – laat zien, outdoor show by loods 32, July 1-August 30, Goes.
- we got your back, digital selling-show by Pictura Dordrecht, June, online.
- about A woman -girlhood- March 7 - 22 ArtSpaceRotterdam
- presentation projectweeks Pictura Feb 22, Pictura Dordrecht
- ART BLAAK HOUSE Feb. 6 - 9 large groupshow, Blaak 32, Rotterdam
- open studio's during South Explorer Nov. 10 Lange Hilleweg Rotterdam
- 100% female - Oct. 24 - 27 Grand Church Alkmaar
- NACHT. Pictura salon der leden Sept. 9 / Oct. 20 Dordrecht
- Summer Expo - May 25 - Sept. 1 Museum de Fundatie Zwolle
- European artists in China, Juli-August, Shenyang, China
- open studio's Lange Hilleweg Rotterdam during South Explorer
- schwarzmalen3 HappyCrowd, Art Chapel Amsterdam
- open studio's Lange Hilleweg Rotterdam during South Explorer
- Summer Expo, museum de Fundatie Zwolle
- Gemaal op Zuid Rotterdam
- huis der zotheid artspace Rotterdam
- open studio's Lange Hilleweg Rotterdam during South Explorer (autumn edition)
- open studio's Lange Hilleweg Rotterdam during South Explorer (spring edition)
- 'schwarzmalen2' final presentation @ VondelCS Amsterdam
- 'war, peace and beauty' province Utrecht
- open studio's Lange Hilleweg during Art Rotterdam
- Solo, Courthouse Rotterdam January- April (click to see report, in Dutch, with images)
- Water, Spread Art @detroit contemporary, Detroit (US)
- Schwarzmalen1 final performance, Weesp
- Melting Point, De Witte Slagerij Rotterdam
- open studio's Lange Hilleweg Rotterdam
- gemaal op zuid, Rotterdam
- Gallery de Pieter, Leiden
- Gallery de Pieter, Leiden
- MuseumNight Rotterdam
- Gallery Lecq, Rotterdam . 'wijswater'
- Summer Expo, Municipal museum Den Haag
- 'animation open' in Salisbury Arts Center (UK)
- 'the negation of the 8' Burcht van Berlage Amsterdam
- GRAPHOS, contemporary graphics, Kruithuis, Den Bosch
- animation-filmfestival 'de lijn', centraal museum Utrecht
- on the digital screens of DROPSTUFF
- 'a la Gitane', CBK Rotterdam
- Volkskrant/OOG ditigital interactive work, online
- RANIMATIE Lantaren-Venster Rotterdam
- Municipal museum Den Haag
- Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid, Hilversum
- Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
- 'the digital view' in Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
- 'the great escape' noisivision Breda
- Paulo Post Futurum, 25 years Lokaal01, Breda's Museum Breda
- digt_paint 5.3 bèta, Haagweg 4 Leiden
- STROOM Rotterdam
- 'OSMOSIS' digt-paint4.5 in Babel, Utrecht
- DOEK! Schiedam
- 'Made Under Arnhem' Arnhem
- 'duo' Astrid Moors/Inez Smit, gallery 300%, Schiedam
- 'ddd', gallery Ann Jorissen, Mechelen (B)
- 'ramses was roodblond', artoteek en 300% Schiedam
- political evening @ Locus 010, Rotterdam
- grafiekbiënale '' in Loods6, Amsterdam
- 'the sleepless night', Vredenburg Utrecht, in collaboration with VPRO
- purchase exhibition artlease Rotterdam
- 'in motion' Pand Paulus, Schiedam
- summershow "No cobra" Pand Paulus, Schiedam
- summershow gallery 300% Schiedam
- digt_paint, de Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem
- gallery 300%, Schiedam
- Digt_paint 5.1, de Veemvloer, Amsterdam
- id11, HUFgebouw Rotterdam
-, hors-serie 3, art on the internet, basis Paris (FR)
- literaturefestival 'de wintertuin', Nijmegen
- Raafbrief", avout digital and non-digital art, cd-rom, Breda, summer
- Hamlet_X project, a crossmedial experience, Berlin (D)
- Centre PasquArt, Biel (CH)
- Sophie's Winter Palace II, Utrecht
- "klagen" weekend-theme-show in basement 25 KV, Rotterdam
- slideshow in Roem, Rotterdam
- graduation show master of arts, "10=another show" in Fish & Chips, Antwerpen (B)
- group infiltration TENT. Rotterdam
- "10=a show" groupshow 'the trade appartment' , Londen (UK)
- unity of time, place and action, (performances) Lokaal 01, Breda
- "preach", weekend-theme-show in Extrapool, Nijmegen
- AccesRandomMemory, Lokaal01, Breda
- Zeb, Multidisciplinairy rockopera, in Nighttown, Rotterdam
- Dat maak ik zelf wel uit, Glaspaleis, Heerlen
- duo-show gallery Cellini, Leiden
- Springtide, festival for art in digital ages, Ekko, Utrecht
- Construction 5 III, Simplon Groningen
- Participant Oerol-festival Terschelling art project "the magnetism of the Northpole"
- Construction II, Simplon, Groningen
- EXIT, illegal outdoor show, Utrecht
- EXIT, illegal outdoor show, Utrecht
- Sophie's Palace, Utrecht
- Groupshow gallery Cellini, Leiden
- Participant Oerol-festival Terschelling, art project "holy houses"
- Chamber of Commerce, Maastricht
- Solo-show Lange Nieuwstraat 4, Utrecht
- "De Krabbedans", centre for contemporary art, Eindhoven
- commissions
- executed assignment for a a large temporary windowpainting, SKAR Rotterdam, 7-8 untill 9-10-2023
- executed assignment for a mural in Leerdam, relaisbuilding, 2021
- sketch assignment for a mural in Leerdam, Zuidwal, 2019
- sketch assignment interactive artwork, Windpark Krammer, Oude-Tonge, 2018
- executed assignment: association game for a recreational farm 2017, client: de kleine duiker, Barendrecht.
- executed assignment: 24 wijswater drawings on 13x13 friesian white tiles 2014, client: private.
- sketch assignment for theatre Den Haag, 2013, client: M2uur bv
- executed assignment: seat cube for childrenshospital Deventer 2012, client: M2uur bv.
- executed assignment: painting 'de negation of the 8', client: FNVkiem, Amsterdam 2011
- executed assignment: a poster for the '8 hour working day', client: FNVkiem, 2011
- sketch assignment for Theatre de Vest, Alkmaar 2011
- sketch assignment for Comeniuscollege Hilversum 2010
- executed assignment 'the walk' in the central hall of the new Gelre Ziekenhuis in Zutphen, client: M2uur bv. 2010
- sketch assignment 'eencelligen' voor WORKSPACE 10 Den Haag. 2010
- executed assignment 'tijdlijn', client: Fioretti College Veghel 2009
- sketch assignment CIOS Goes, client: M2uur bv. 2009
- sketch assignment for fire department Rijswijk 2008
- executed assignment Flatkwintet, 38 122x300 cm in e large apartment building Zeist. 2008
- executed assignment wars van conventies, for tv program 'stars on canvas' 2008
- sketch assignment “The Greenery” Barendrecht, 2008
- research and vision for an artwork in centre Rotterdam, client: CBK Rotterdam 2007
- sketch assignment office highrise Havenbedrijf Rotterdam, 2007
- executed assignment interactive artwork “Freedive”, client: RTVRijnmond '07
- sketch assignment trainstation zuid-WTC Amsterdam, client: M2uur '06
- executed assignment 'roddel en achterklap' in public space of Bergen op Zoom, assigned by KidOR 2006
- sketch assignment Lloydkwartieruur, client STROOM 2006
- sketch assignment Rembrandt project, client: stichting tegen-beeld 2005
- sketch assignment elderly centre Vredenhof in Vlissingen, client: M2uur. 2005
- sketch assignment R’Uitmarkt Rotterdam 2003
- sketch assignment for city_motions, Utrecht. client: Moving Exhibitions 2001
- executed assignment 'delict' interactive artwork for Police department 1999
- executed assignment for Springtij, festival of new media, assigned by Ekko, Utrecht. 1997
- executed assignment for theatre festival Oerol, Terschelling. Assigned by Stichting Plons.1996
- executed assignment for theatre festival Oerol, Terschelling. Assigned by Stichting Plons.1995
- executed assignment floor painting outdoor swimmingpool Haelen. client: the village of Haelen. 1989
- publications
- documentary "your home - my muse" 51 min. filmed and edited by me Private Premiere 21-1-24 KINO Rotterdam
- interview in SKAR magazine by Bente Wiebing, October 2023
- documentary "about A woman - witte wieven" 48 min. filmed and edited by me and Maritsa van Luttikhuizen. sept. 2022
- articles in AD and het kompas about the mural in Leerdam, July 2021
- article in MetropolisM about 22rooms/artists, online, June 2021
- started Feb. 2021: my own YouTube channel
- on TV Zuid Wijkjournaal Okt. 7 2020 (time 13:05-13:54) on Youtube
- catalog 'publieke werken' cityproject Rotterdam, summer 2020
- catalog 'laat waaien-laat zien' flagproject Goes, summer 2020
- pictura 'we got your back' publication June 2020
- pictura/blad 'leden onder elkaar' and '100% female' Oct 2019
- catalog SummerExpo 2019
- interview in SKAR magazine by Anna Ramsair, May 2018
- article in Algemeen Dagblad 9-3-2018
- catalog DELA art collection 2017
- catalog SummerExpo 2017
- the Courthouse show was seen on the documentary 'schuldenaars' 15-4-2015 NPO2
- catalog 'war, peace and beauty', 2015
- at random #2, Appendix grafiek, 2013
- about the artwork 'gros' on newspage Veghel 3-9-2012
- several publications about the SummerExpo (volkskrant, kunstbeeld, trendbeheer,...) 2012
- catalog SummerExpo 2012
- catalog GRAPHOS kruithuis Den Bosch. 2011
- article in VARAgids, june 2009
- Volkskrant/OOG April, online. 2009
- AntenneTV, RTVrijnmond, Rotterdam January 7, 2009
- news broadcasting RTVRijnmond, 21-11-'08 about the studio's Rotterdam
- Boekman 75 ( about art and digitization) June 2008
- tv-show and catalog 'Stars on canvas' (sterren op het doek - second season), summer 2008
- several articles in newspaper BN de stem about the artworks in Bergen op Zoom 2008
- article in newspaper METRO 18-01-2007
- review in Metropolis M about Lokaal01 show in Breda's Museum (S. Teulings) 2007
- BN/DeStem, 23 juni 2006, the artworks in Bergen op Zoom, by Niels Herreijgens
- weblog Wim de Bie, vpro (Bieslog) 2006
- website roddel en achterklap for artworks Bergen op Zoom. 2006
- interview on website Centrum ondernemen Delfshaven 2005
- website osmosis, digt-paint 4.5 2005
- schiecentrale portfolio 2005
- article in Haarlems Newspaper about digt-paint in de Nieuwe Vide 2003
- site for show 'digt_paint 5.1' Veemvloer, Amsterdam 2002
- site for project and show id11, Rotterdam 2002
- review in Bieler tagblat (Switserland), 2001, by Annelise Zwez
- article in (3-2000), by Caro Sicking.
- about the show KLAGEN (complain) Rotterdams newspaper by Eva Crouwell, 6 november 2000
- about the show KLAGEN (complain) De Havenloods, by Mark Kivit, 2 november 2000
- 'klagen' cd-rom fro show Rotterdam. 2000
- site for show 'klagen'. 2000
- 10=a book, book for the masters show, post St. Joost.2000
- site for show "10=a show" in Londen (UK) 2000
- cd-rom for the show "preken" (preach), Extrapool, Nijmegen.1999
- catalog for show in Glaspaleis, Heerlen. 1998
- catalog for artproject Oerol, Terschelling 1996
- catalog for artproject Oerol, Terschelling 1995
- activities
- mentored by artist Bert Frings via cbk Rotterdam, summer 2024
- organisation (in cooperation with others) of the show 'about A woman - Holy Moly' March 2024 Delft
- organisation (in cooperation with others) of the show 'about A woman - IN YOUR FACE' Feb. 2023 Rotterdam
- part of team communication for 'Een kunstcentrum' Rotterdam, 01-2022 / 07-2022
- organisation (in cooperation with others) of the show 'about A woman - witte wieven' May 2022
- organisation (in cooperation with others) of the show 'about A woman - SISSA' November 2020
- organisation (in cooperation with others) of the show 'about A woman - girlhood' March 2020
- projectweeks Pictura Dordrecht Feb. 11-22 2020
- organisation (in cooperation with others) of ART BLAAK HOUSE (curating, publicity) Feb, 2020
- project Schwarzmalen3 i.c.w. Marja van Putten, successfully crowdfunded via 'voordekunst' spring 2018
- part of the organization of South Explorer Rotterdam (several editions, twice a year) 2015-...
- artist talk at open studio's Borgerstraat 24 / Art Rotterdam 14-02-2016
- project Schwarzmalen2 i.c.w. Marja van Putten, September-November 2015
- project Schwarzmalen i.c.w. Marja van Putten, May-July 2014
- organisation of an evening for FNV Kiem, about art and business, Rotterdam Oct. 2012
- organisation and show digt_paint 6.21 in Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam. 2008
- organisation and show digt_paint 5.3 bèta, Haagweg 4 Leiden, March 9-25 2007
- organisation and show digt-paint 4.5: Osmosis in Utrecht, September 2005
- organisation and show digt-paint 3 in Mechelen, Belgium. 2005
- concept new id11 project: "weekly eye poetry", 2004
- organisation and shows "digt_paint" Veemvloer Amsterdam and nieuwe vide Haarlem 2003
- organisation id11, a show in 2002, in Rotterdam. (+ wesite and video-trailer)
- co-founder and chairman foundation id11. 2001-2008
- organisation theme-weekend-show "klagen" (complain) in basement 25kV.(+ website and video-trailer) 2000
- member program committee artist initiative Lokaal01, Breda, 2000 - 2001.
- final manager artirsts contributed website Lokaal01, 2000 -2001.
- production website for 10 = a show, Londen, 2000
- production of cd-rom with poems, images and preaches pf artists, for the show "een preek is geen schot hagel maar een hertenkogel", Extrapool Nijmegen. 1999
- video-trailer arttube Groningen promoting the show JFK.1999
- member foundation Mono, for the making of multidisciplinairy rockopera Zeb. 1998-1999
- production website Lokaal 01, Breda.1998
- newsletter "ARTICULATIE", No. 1. June 1994 t/m now. (starting 2006 digital only)
- co-founder and member artists'collective "GRIP". 1995-1997
- organisation open studio route Utrecht 1994.
- grants & prizes
- CBK Rotterdam 'praktijkbijdrage' for a new work in situ, January 2025
- Nominated for the Pictura prize, November 2024
- CBK Rotterdam 'praktijkbijdrage' for 'your home - my muse' documentary 2024
- crowdfunding via 'voordekunst' for 'your home immortalised' 2023
- CBK Rotterdam for 'about A woman - IN YOUR FACE' 2023
- Municiplaity Enschede for 'about A woman - witte wieven' 2022
- Pictoright funding, 2021
- Makersloket, stichting Droom en Daad, Rotterdam 2021
- PPO studyfund 2021
- Cultuur Concreet fund for 'about A woman- SISSA' Nov. 2020
- CBK Rotterdam and PB cultuurfonds for 'about A woman - girlhood' March 2020
- crowdfunding via 'voordekunst' for schwarzmalen3, 2018
- CBK in assignment bureau, for 'freedive', client: RTVRijnmond, 2007
- CBK in assignment bureau, for 'lloydkwartieruur', client STROOM, 2006
- educational grant, scholingsfonds voor kunst en cultuur 2004
- for realising expo id11: Prins Bernhard Fonds, VSB fonds, stichting ter bevordering van Volkskracht. 2002
- Basic stipend from the national Fund for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (now Mondriaanfonds), 2001
- Fund for performing arts, for theater production ZEB, 1999
- curatorship and committees
- co-curator for 50-50 lady justice, PLAYroom, Zaandam, October 2021.
- co-curator and co-organisator of 5 'about A woman ' shows (2020 till now)
- co-curator and co-organisator of ART BLAAK HOUSE Rotterdam (Feb. 2020)
- curator Psynapse gallery Rotterdam (1-9-2019 - 1-12-2019)
- member of the committee for 'salon der leden' Pictura Dordrecht (May-Oct 2019)
- co-curator of projects for Schwarzmalen (2014-2015-2018)
- member of the jury Kunstbende Zuid-Holland, spring 2013
- member of the jury ZomerExpo 2013, spring 2013
- member of the committee Toetsing Beroepsmatigheid CBK Rotterdam (2009-2013)
- co-curator and member shows digt_paint (2002-2008)
- co-curator and member shows id11, Rotterdam (2001)
- member of the committee artistcollective Lokaal01, Breda (2000-2001)
- co-curator and member show "klagen", Rotterdam (2000)
- memberships
- Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
- Pictura, Dordrecht
- Kunstenbond (fka FNV Kiem)
- CBK Rotterdam
- non-private sales
- SKAR Rotterdam
- t_o_p_s_h_e_l_f Rotterdam (mini collectioneur)
- art collection DELA
- Netexpert, Rotterdam
- Fioretti College, Veghel
- stichting de Burcht (FNV), Amsterdam
- broadcaster MAX
- CBK artlease Rotterdam
- the city of Utrecht
- Océ Nederland N.V.
- Chamber of Commerce, Maastricht
And in private collections in NL, USA, Portugal, Sweden, Morocco, Czech Replublic.
- education
- Course on 'the art of asking' about contemporary patronage - University of Utrecht certificate (2023)
- School of the Arts Sint Joost Breda, MFA (1999-2000)
- School of the Arts Utrecht, faculty art, media and technology in Hilversum (1997-1998)
- Vrije Academie, Art in assignment, Den Haag (1996)
- University Utrecht, faculty of Philosophy (1991-1992)
- School of the Arts Maastricht, BA (1986-1991)